Friday, March 7, 2008

I agree with you benjamin. Our eyes are one of the most important organs in our bodies. It is horrifying to know that that there are such eye diseases that can actually cause blindness. The loss of sight is a terrible loss. The Blind live in a world of darkness. Unlike you and me, they will never get to experience the colours in our lives, they are unable to understand or marvel at the wonders of nature.

Millions of people out there are struggling with the loss of sight. Three of the most common diseases which cause blindness are, cataracts, Trachoma, and glaucoma, which is the disease my uncle is suffering from.

cataracts, trachoma, glaucoma

Cataracts, as Doctor Alexandra has elaborated in her earlier post, is when your lenses become clouded/opaque, thus impairing one's vision. Trachoma is caused by a virus that affects the cornea and the conjunctiva (lining of the eyelid) Unfortunately, it is contagious and can be spread by flies and contact with articles that have been used by carriers of the disease(e.g through towels). The disease can be cured in the early stages by using medicines.

I feel that it is important for healthy individuals like you and me to treasure this gift of sight. People like my uncle, are considered lucky enough to have contracted eye disease and yet escaped total blindness. Fortunately for my uncle, he was able to keep some of his vision, like majority of glaucoma sufferers. (only a small percentage of glaucoma sufferers become completely blind)

~ nuggets

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