Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hello everyone, I am Donald a 58-year-old elderly. It is good to see that youngsters nowadays make use of technology for their learning. I am interested in knowing more about the human eye structure, as I am worried about my eye conditions as I grow older. I am suffering from farsightedness. It is a disease that normally comes with old age.

Sigh, once you are old, every illness comes looking for you. Near objects are blurry to me and I often have to squint my eyes to see. Now whenever I need to read things, I have to put on my glasses. Prolonged usages of my eye will also strains my eyes and causes eyestrain and headaches. Other than wearing glasses, I heard that there are surgeries that can treat farsightedness. Can Doctor Alexandra introduce to us about the surgeries that can be used to treat farsightedness?

As an elderly, a lot of diseases may happen. Some diseases will cause a loss of vision. It is a terrifying to have your vision lost suddenly. I heard about another disease that comes with old age too- cataracts. It sounds like a horrible disease. May I know more about it?


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